Below are the current Planning Applications in Chorlton Ward. You can find out more information about any of the proposals on the City Council's Planning Portal at or by contacting the South Area Planning Group Manager - Roger Hall; Tel: (0161) 234 4536; email: . You can also make a Planning representation (in support or opposition) to Mr Hall or the designated planning officer for each application. Please feel free to contact me on (07947383740; if you wish to discuss any application and please also send me a copy of any representation you make. 098087/FO/2011/S1 - 2 Vincent Avenue Chorlton Manchester M21 9GR
Conversion of basement into two x 1 bedroom self-contained flats
097818/FO/2011/S1 - 55 Manchester Road Chorlton Cum Hardy Manchester M21 9PW
Retrospective Application for change of use to cafe (Class A3)
097857/FH/2011/S1 - 32 Chequers Road Chorlton Manchester M21 9BY
Erection of a single storey rear extension and elevational alterations, together with
the installation of a rear dormer, two rooflights to the front roof slope and a rear
decked area
097915/FH/2011/S1 - 106 Claude Road Chorlton Manchester M21 8DF
Erection of a three storey rear extension and terrace at ground floor level to form
additional living accommodation, and including 1.8m high boundary fencing
098257/LP/2012/S1 - 19 Kensington Road Chorlton Manchester M21 9GH
Certificate Of Lawful Development for the erection of a single storey rear extension
098368/TCA/2012/S1 - 5 Whitelow Road Chorlton Manchester M21 9HQ
Works to two trees
098136/FH/2011/S1 - 34 Vicars Road Chorlton Manchester M21 9GY
Erection of a single storey rear extension and car port at side of property
098255/TCA/2012/S1 - Flat 3 4 York Road Chorlton Manchester M21 9HP
Works to various trees as per schedule
098256/JO/2012/S1 - 452 Wilbraham Road Chorlton Manchester M21 0AG (ZAM ZAM
Retrospective variation of condition 2 attached to planning permission 057950 to
amend opening hours to 11.00am to 2.00am Monday to Thursday, 11.00am to
3.00am Friday and Saturday and 11.00am to 1.00am Sunday.