100840/FO/2012/S1 6-8 Beech Road Chorlton Manchester M21 8BQ
Erection of single storey rear extension to dwellinghouses
100890/TCA/2012/S1 33 South Drive Chorltonville Manchester M21 8DZ
Works to trees
098820/FO/2012/S1 7 Edge Lane Chorlton Manchester M21 9JU Erection of part two/part three storey detached house (C3).
100853/AO/2012/S1 Lloyds TSB Bank Plc 577 Barlow Moor Road Chorlton Manchester M21 8AJ Installation of 3 internally illuminated fascia panels, 2 internally illuminated projecting box signs and non-illumintaed ATM surrounds
099623/AO/2012/S1 Southern Cross School Barlow Hall Road Chorlton Park Manchester M21 7JJ Installation of two externally illuminated wall mounted name signs and one fence mounted name sign
100277/FO/2012/S1 British Muslim Heritage Centre College Road Whalley Range Manchester M16 8BP Erection of 1035 square metre temporary marquee for functions to infill courtyard for a period of 5 years.
100558/FU/2012/S1 211 Clarendon Road Whalley Range Manchester M16 0EH
Change of use from shop (Class A1) to cafe (Class A3)
100480/FH/2012/S1 46 Wyverne Road Chorlton Manchester M21 0ZN Erection of 2 storey side extension, part single/part 2 storey rear extension and rear dormer to form additional living accommodation and single-storey detached garden store
096113/FO/2011/S1 320 Barlow Moor Road Chorlton Manchester M21 8AY Retrospective Application for the installation of decking to front of premises
100710/FH/2012/S1 377 Barlow Moor Road Chorlton Manchester M21 7FZ
Erection of roof extension to rear with installation of juliet balcony
100769/FU/2012/S1 11 Corkland Road Chorlton Park Manchester M21 8UP
Change of use from a former community centre (Class D1) to a residential dwelling house (Class C3)
100799/FO/2012/S1 Land Adjacent 77 And 79 Barlow Hall Road Chorlton Manchester M21 7JJ
Erection of a part single/part 2 storey building to form 2 apartments with associated landscaping and parking, following demolition of existing yard.
100774/NMC/2012/S1 Steven Court Egerton Road South Whalley Range Manchester M21 0XH Non-Material Amendment to planning permission ref: 096457/FO/2011/S1 to allow reconfiguration of car parking area and alterations to boundary treatment
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